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Dr. Laurie Graham – Senior Research Associate (more)


Dr. Qilu Ye - Research Associate (more)


Robert Eves – Research Assistant (more)



Graduate Students


​Mathias Bell - PhD candidate (more)


Thomas Hansen - PhD candidate (more)


Jocelyn Lee - MSc candidate (more)


Trina Dykstra-MacPherson - MSc candidate (more) 


Blake Soares - MSc candidate (more)


Undergraduate Students


Joanna Stanczyk - Undergraduate student (more)


Rohid Ramesh - Undergraduate student (more)


Daniel Lee - Undergraduate student (more)


Shawna Pervin - Undergraduate student (more)


Ina Malou Hainer - Undergraduate student (more)


Justin Gagnon - Undergraduate student (more)




Laurie Graham
Rob Eves
Dr. Laurie Graham
Senior Research Associate and Adjunct Assistant Professor

I am writing Laurie’s bio because she is too modest to do justice to her many talents and the huge contribution she makes to the smooth running of our lab. Laurie completed her PhD with Dr. Virginia Walker in the Department of Biology at Queen’s and joined us for post-doc research in the 1990’s when we were beginning to isolate and characterize insect antifreeze proteins. Since then, we have published close to 40 papers together including a couple in Science and Nature. Laurie is an expert in molecular biology from the ‘pre-kit’ days. Her amazing skills in bioinformatics are helping us mine the wealth of genomic and transcriptomic data that is being deposited every year. In addition to being a rigorous scientist, Laurie is a spouse, mom, hockey player, and a life-long learner with a passion for science, astronomy, minerology, oceanography, and nature.     /Peter Davies


Photo credit: Thomas Hansen

Rob Eves
Research Assistant

Hi, my name is Rob. I have worked in the department with many of the current and former members of the Davies Lab members since 1999. In 2016, with Sherry Gauthier's 'semi-retirement', I joined the Davies lab as full-time Research Assistant. I help to keep the lab running smoothly by ordering supplies, maintaining and repairing equipment, and ensuring Health and Safety compliance through persononnel training and updating standard operating procedures. My roles include being familiar with all techniques and protocols used by the Davies lab to ensure that knowledge remains with the lab when researchers move on. I help train newcomers to the lab in techniques and protocols. My current research projects include studying the structure-function relationships of ice-binding proteins, and the use of antifreeze proteins for cell, tissue and organ preservation.

Dr. Qilu Ye
Research Associate

In Dr. Davies' Lab, I specialize in using X-ray crystallography and complementary small-angle X-ray scattering to study structure-functional relationship in a variety of proteins. These include the calpain family of calcium-dependent proteases, ice-binding proteins and bacterial adhesins. My research generally starts with recombinant protein production and purification, protein crystal growth, followed by solving the protein structure. The 3D-structures provide valuable information for further investigations on these proteins by our group. Although the path to determine the protein crystal structure is not even, I truly like science and enjoy my research achievements. My hobbies include swimming and gardening.

Mathias Bell
PhD Candidate

Hello, my name is Mathias, and I am a PhD candidate in the Davies lab. I grew up on Vancouver Island on the west coast. After completing an undergraduate biochemistry degree in the French Immersion stream at the University of Ottawa, I came to Queen’s to pursue graduate studies. My research focuses on calpain-3, a member of the calpain family of proteases with a series of unique sequence features. We are studying the interaction between calpain-3 and titin and how calpain-3’s unique sequence features are involved in this interaction. When not working in the lab, I enjoy reading, playing piano, and hiking in Frontenac Park.

Thomas Hansen
PhD Candidate

My name is Thomas Hansen and I'm a PhD candidate in the Davies Lab. After obtaining my BSc in biochemistry from the University of Ottawa, I taught high school biology in Colombia for six years, the last four of which were with Colegio Colombo Británico, an IB academy in Cali. ¡Cali es Cali! It had always been my intention to continue my education, so in being here, I'm living the dream! I'm working with ice nucleation proteins (INPs), which as their name suggests, nucleate ice crystal formation at temperatures as warm as -2 °C. INPs have been studied for decades but to date, no one has solved their structure nor their mechanism. I'm doing my best to change that, so I've been at the bench doing functional work and behind the keyboard running simulations. Collaborating with the other talented people on this page has been invaluable in progressing toward our goals.

Jocelyn Lee.jpg
Jocelyn Lee
MSc Candidate

Hi! I'm Jocelyn, a MSc student in the Davies lab. I am from Markham, Ontario, although I spent my early childhood between Taiwan and Canada. Before joining the Davies lab as a thesis project student, I interned for 16 months at a vaccine company. I also studied abroad in Japan as part of a program centred around intercultural business and collaboration. My MSc thesis project is a study of ice nucleation proteins, which are produced by certain species of Gram-negative bacteria. When I'm not working, you'll find me making music, playing video games, or cheering on the Toronto Raptors!

Trina Dykstra-MacPherson 
MSc Candidate 

Hello! My name is Trina; I am a MSc Candidate in the Davies’ Lab. I completed my undergraduate thesis project in the Davies Lab working on the calpain project, specifically investigating mutations in IS2 and their effects on calpain-3 and titin binding. My master’s thesis project is studying carbohydrate binding modules (CBMs) found in bacterial RTX adhesins, specifically bacterial species that are pathogenic to fish. A fun fact about me is that I have been figure skating since I was 7, so when I am not in the lab, you can find me in the rink skating or coaching!

I am also the Social Convenor of lab events. Check out the recent hikes (under Lab News) to enjoy fall colours at Rock Dunder and the 13-km Small Slide Lake Loop trail in Frontenac Park.

Blake Soares
MSc Candidate

Hi! My name is Blake and I'm currently an MSc candidate having done my 421/422 Honours thesis project in the Davies Lab. I am investigating how bacterial pathogens like Vibrio vulnificus bind and colonize their hosts. We are trying to develop reagents and methods to block bacterial adhesion before biofilm formation can take hold. This is one of the strategies designed to help counter the loss of antibiotic efficiency that is increasingly a problem in combatting bacterial infections. If I'm not in the lab, I am usually playing guitar, watching soccer and football, or playing video games!

Joanna Stanczyk
Fifth-Year Undergraduate Student 

Hey! My name is Joanna Stanczyk and I am a 5th-year biochemistry specialization student. I am currently working on research for my BCHM 421/422 project on bacterial RTX adhesin proteins with a special interest in bacterial species that are pathogenic to plants. When I am not in the lab I love doing outdoor activities like kayaking, biking, and gardening. In the future I hope to pursue a career with a focus on agricultural biotechnology. 

Rohid Ramesh
Fourth-Year Undergraduate Student 

Hello! I'm Rohid, currently a fourth-year Biochemistry specialization student at Queen's. I'm thrilled to be a part of the Davies Lab, where I am doing my Honours thesis research on bacterial adhesins. My primary focus involves assessing adhesin ligand-binding domains for their ability to bind collagen and other extracellular matrix proteins. This opportunity allows me to apply my academic knowledge practically, enhancing both my skills and the lab's research capabilities. Fun fact: I'm an avid sports enthusiast enjoying basketball, hockey, and soccer. I also have a passion for cooking!

Daniel Lee
Fourth-Year Undergraduate Student 

Hey! My name is Daniel Lee, and I am a 4th-year Health Sciences student from the Toronto area. Last year I was a volunteer in the Davies lab. This year I have returned to do a thesis project for HSCI 598/599 on carbohydrate binding modules (CBM) and von Willebrand factor A-like (vWFA) binding domains in bacterial RTX adhesin proteins, specifically species that are pathogenic to fish. When I am not in the lab I enjoy playing and watching basketball, going for walks/runs, and listening to music. 


Shawna Pervin
Third-Year Undergraduate Student 

Hi! My name is Shawna and I am a third-year biochemistry specialization student here at Queen’s University. I am honoured to be one of the volunteers in the Davies Lab this year and to help out on a variety of projects, learn about their current research and further my biochemical knowledge and lab skills. Outside of the lab, I enjoy being by the water and outdoor activities like swimming, canoeing and running.

Fun fact, I can solve a Rubik’s cube in under a minute!

Ina Malou Hainer
Third-Year Internship Student from Germany

Hello! I am Ina, a third-year biomimetics student from Bremen, Germany. As part of my degree program, I’m completing a research internship abroad with the Davies Lab. I'm excited to gain hands-on experience here, working on the expression and analysis of recombinant spider antifreeze proteins under the guidance of Dr. Laurie Graham.

Outside the lab, I love exploring the outdoors, hiking, and discovering everything Kingston has to offer. 

Justin Gagnon
Third-Year Undergraduate Student 

Hi! My name is Justin, and I am a third-year Biochemistry Specialization student at Queen’s University. This year, I am grateful to be volunteering in the Davies Lab, where I am gaining hands-on experience with key biochemical techniques such as protein separation, plasmid DNA purification, and cell culturing. I am hoping to apply my practical knowledge towards a thesis project next year. Outside of academics, I previously played competitive hockey in the US and still love playing recreationally. I also enjoy cooking, swimming, hiking, and financial market analysis.

Connor Scholl
Thomas Hansen
Jocelyn Lee
Mathias Bell
Trina DM
Blake Soares
Joanna Stanczyk
Rohid Ramesh
Shawna Pervin
Daniel Lee
Ina Hainer
Justin Gagnon

We are grateful to the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) for funding our research.


Queen's University

Kingston Ontario Canada

© 2018  Peter L. Davies

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